February 24, 2023

Julie Cobbe

The question I get asked most often?

Hello you guys 🙂

So, I’m going to pop up some newsletter topics here. To get all my newsletters, along with the styling and coaching chats and videos, just pop your name and email into the box throughout the site or just email me – **@ju********.ie .

The biggest question I am asked (which is no surprise!) is …

‘Tips for finding a style you love?.’

The best way to learn more about what you love, is always through experiencing how things feel on. To see big changes, you have to feel big changes.  

But, right now, here are 6 tips for today that I think will help!


Learn to let go of what used to work for you and focus on what works now. You are not the same person you were 10 years ago and neither is your style. Focus on today.

Start with wearing what YOU like to wear and not what you think other people will like you wearing.

Create a Pinterest Board called ‘my style’ and take your time saving 20-30 images that feel really lovely to you. What 3 words would you use to describe the looks you have saved? This is a good starting point to refocus your thoughts around a style aesthetic or direction that feels good to you.

Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them. It’s important therefore to reflect that your Pinterest board is a lot to do with the women in the actual clothes and how they wear them. To make an aesthetic really feel like you, you must do the work to figure out the styling details that work for you when putting outfits together – do you have a long or short waist? cool or warm skin-tone? which sleeve length is right for you? When you take the time to figure these things out, over time, they will help you shop with so much more understanding and focus.

Start with a Little Black Book of brands that really help you focus on the aesthetic you want to create more of. Stick to these brands for a while. Buy some items you love that give you the feeling you are after. Then branch out with more confidence to find other shops and brands that compliment what you are building.

Finally, changes in mindset are necessary to change your style. Accept that when you try something different the first feelings that come up will be discomfort. You have to give it time to work out if this is because it’s really not you or because how you see yourself is taking time to catch up with a new approach that ultimately will give you more confidence.

I hope some of that resonates and helps.

Reach out anytime –  **@ju********.ie

Julie x

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